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Understanding Floorball Lessons & Trainings as an Athletic Workout in Colorado Springs

We at Discover Floorball in Colorado Springs are your go-to Floorball sport & training location in Colorado Springs

Discover Floorball is here for you. 

Understanding Discover Floorball in Colorado Springs

We started Discover Floorball in Colorado Springs to, overall, introduce Floorball lessons and trainings while also providing the fun, fast, and exciting sport of floorball to everyone in Colorado Springs — boy or girl, man or woman.  We believe floorball will change your life with fitness, confidence, community, and will bring friends and families together. Do you want to get active?  Have FUN? Start something new? Meet new people? Be a part of a sports movement that is going to the World Games 2021?

Did you previously play sports and are looking for another adult league to play in?  Do you want to get your kids into a new activity? Or have your kids try a new sport and have new experiences?  

We, at Discover Floorball in Colorado Springs, are ramping up an all-new 8-week, co-ed, beginner, and intermediate floorball league and club sessions for your child in mixed-age groups on multiple days of the week.  We, at Discover Floorball in Colorado Springs, will also have adult beginner and intermediate pick-up nights – women’s and co-ed. If you are interested in playing competitively, Discover Floorball is starting kids and adult leagues as well, which will have the opportunity to travel to tournaments around the country.

So sign up and start learning more floorball lessons and start properly being trained in the wonderful game of floorball!! 

It is time to spend your time and energy on what will positively impact your life, your child’s life, and align with who you are and who you want to be.  

Are you planning on trying/learning something new? Floorball leagues, lessons & trainings are for you. Contact us today.

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